Album of the week: Neuland e.p.

This week’s soundtrack is Neuland e.p. by EndZeit Effekt. It’s German electronica with an industrial feel and I certainly understand if it doesn’t suit everyone, but I really like it.

Album cover: Neuland e.p. by EndZeit Effekt

At, you can get this album, and thousands of others, for free. That’s “free” as in “free beer”, i.e. you can listen to it online, and even download it, free if charge. If you feel like it, you can donate whatever amount you want, but you don’t have to. For this artist, reaching an audience is more important than getting paid. And that’s the way it should be, because who is going to pay you if you don’t have an audience?

In later posts, I’ll talk more about the differences between “free as in free of charge” and “free as in freedom”, but for now I’ll just say that this album fits the first definition of “free” but not the other.

Is there an artist and/or album at that you would recommend?